Science Department

Mission: The mission of the Jefferson Academy Science Department is to foster responsibility and critical thinking through inquiry, investigation and discovery using scientific reasoning.

Science Core Classes

Junior High: 7th and 8th grade Integrated Science (topics: Earth/Moon, Chemistry, Physics, Biology)

High School: Biology, Earth Science, Chemistry, College Biology 111, College Biology 112, AP Physics, AP Enviromental Science

Science Electives

Junior High: Disease Studies, Pre Anatomy, Medical Mysteries, Sustainable Engineering, Marine Biology, Animal Behavior

High School: STEAM, Engineering I, Anatomy/Physiology, Astronomy, Entomology, Forensics, Genetics, Science in Movies, Comparative Anatomy

Science Academic Pathways

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Science Department Members

Babcock photo

Ms. Ember Babcock

Bilinski photo

Mr. Greg Bilinski

Kirkley photo

Mr. Nathan Kirkley

Mellott photo

Mr. Ryan Mellott

Swaney photo

Ms. Addison Swaney

Thimson photo

Mrs. Leslie Thimsen